“Everything I do in Medicine brings people back to their best and favorite selves. It’s an incredible thing to offer—and an incredible thing to witness.
I love what I do!”
— Dr. Heather Smith-Fernandez
“Everything I do in Medicine brings people back to their best and favorite selves. It’s an incredible thing to offer—and an incredible thing to witness.
I love what I do!”
— Dr. Heather Smith-Fernandez
Board-certified anesthesiologist and fellowship-trained interventional pain medicine physician, Dr. Heather is one of only two physicians in the world licensed to use a proprietary and powerful cell preparation technique for orthopedic and spine conditions using a patient’s own regenerative cells.
In addition to this highly-sophisticated technology, she also practices Interventional Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine (IROM), which primarily focuses on non-surgical methods to restore function, regenerate tissue and alleviate orthopedic and musculoskeletal pain, often where conventional medicine has failed.
Dr. Heather is also fully trained and certified in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, advanced biocelluar aesthetics, Integrative medicine, and preventative health. In 2016, she opened the Regenerative Institute of Medicine in Naples, FL where she currently serves as Medical Director.
Here is where she and her team practice a truly integrated approach for total health, orthobiologic (including PRP and stem cell-rich biocellular preparation) treatments for joint and spine conditions as well as very advanced cellular therapies for facial aesthetics.
Also a fully trained and certified SaJune provider, Dr. Heather practices restorative and regenerative medicine as the only official SaJune affiliate. Using the tools that have been proven at SaJune for 13 years and for over 11,000 patients, she has helped her patients correct and reverse chronic fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, joint point, anxiety, depression, mental fog, pain, and low sex drive—all while reducing or eliminating prescription medications.
Finally, Dr Heather is the Founder of Peptology®- a trademarked set of protocols for the clinical application of peptides. Dr. Heather graduated in the first ever class of physicians trained and certified in peptide medicine, and has conducted leading research in the field of peptides for her patients. She utilizes Peptides in all areas of her practice for her patients. and Dr Heather one of the leading peptides experts in the world, lecturing throughout the United States, and training & certifying other physicians and providers through her online training, and in-person workshops.
Dr. Heather’s unique medical background, coupled with her strong connections and pioneering contributions to her industry, make her one of the most sought-after regenerative medical doctors in the country.
American Board of Board Anesthesiology, Board Certified. Fellowship-trained in Interventional Pain Management with specialty training in orthopedic and spine cellular therapies
Certified in bioidentical hormone replacement, advanced biocellular aesthetics, integrated medicine, and preventative health
Certified Vampire® provider (Vampire® Facelift, Vampire® Facial, Vampire® Hair Lift, O-Shot, and P-Shot)
Certified Y-Lift Provider
BioTe® Hormone Pellet Certified
Peptide Medicine Certified (Dr. Heather was in the very first ever peptide certification programs)
Certified SaJune Provider
Using advanced cellular and supplemental therapies, we can restore balance—and therefore health—to these elements, systematically removing the symptoms and conditions that are keeping our patients from great health, relationships, self-esteem, and their wildest dreams. When you balance your body at the cellular level, you bring your best to life.
We work in affiliation with IROM (Interventional Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine Institute) to provide comprehensive orthopedic and spine, stem cell, and regenerative medicine services. We actively collaborate with Cell Particle Technologies, LLC to offer some of the most sophisticated stem cell technology currently available in the US.
Our goal is to dramatically improve the lifespan and healthspan of men and women as they age so that every day can be a “glory day.” It’s why we work to keep our treatments affordable and accessible, why we take the time to listen, and why we focus on your total well-being. We’re here to celebrate you, and we can’t wait for you to join us.
The Regenerative Institute of Medicine offers the latest in regenerative treatments, advanced aesthetics, sexual health, hormone therapy, preventative medicine, and advanced lab testing.
To become a patient, you must have an established Florida residency.